The documentary of "Urban Intonations"​​​​​​​ 2024
Tells about the Supernova Art Embassy, Sukhodolye Art Residence, Kirch Paterswalde and other initiatives of Dmitry Kudinov and Lidiya Averina (film in Russian).
The media project "Urban Intonations" is created by the team of the All-Russian organization "Urban Renovations". The season 2024, the project is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
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s i t e - s p e c i f i c  a r t  P R O J E C T
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
Memorandum Project - The flagship author's project of the Supernova Art Embassy. The word ‘memorandum’ is translated from Latin as ‘something you have to memorize’, project is dedicated to complex contexts and topics. Sometimes it is painful to work with them, but they are worth remembering or being recalled from time to time. themes can be both global and local (unique to the location). 
The project can be described in these key terms: 
renewal ~ rebirth ~ rethinking ~ memory ~ legacy ~ authenticity 
The project builds a contemporary dialogue of different parties, involves the study of the actual topic in a creative process, and has as its main goal the reflection of important moments from the lives of ordinary people.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  P R O J E C T
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O R I G I N A L   S P E C I A L   P R O J E C T
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
A new starting point for Supernova Art Embassy: in July 2022, the Art Residence in Sukhodolye (Gvardeysky district, Kaliningrad region) was launched. The art residence is located in a picturesque place near Znamensk and specializes primarily in street artists. At the end of March 2022 the project was supported by the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
In July 2022 the first visit of the residents took place, they were the street artists Sergey Akramov (Yekaterinburg), Sergey Acse (Ivanovo), Roman Muratkin (Serpukhov), Andrey Olenev (Nizhny Novgorod), Steve Karton (Kazan).
The results of the residency are aimed at transforming public spaces with the involvement of experts, active communities and local residents.
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I N F O  A B O U T  P R O J E C T
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O R I G I N A L   S P E C I A L   P R O J E C T
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
Kirche Paterswalde is under the care of the Supernova Art Embassy and is a cultural platform for the realization of projects in the field of contemporary culture and art. We consider this space in conjunction with the Art Residence in Sukhodolye as an exhibition and event space. First of all, we are considering the internal space to organize multi-format use, so that it would be possible to adapt the space to different formats:
That is, we focus on more contemporary art directions, thus not creating competition with our neighbors (e.g. classical and chamber music concerts). The formats are temporary and changeable, the periodicity is not yet clear, perhaps every 3 or 6 months.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  P R O J E C T
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l a n d s c a p i n g  P R O J E C T
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
Sain Yurt is an exemplary courtyard within the framework of the Our Yard Program (Republic of Tatarstan). The main task sounded no less than “add raisins to the project”. There were proposals from the Criminal Code that did not correspond to the concept of modern solutions. 
Our task was to get acquainted with the project from the inside, to reveal its features and offer effective solutions, taking into account the context of the place and its history. Our area of responsibility was the integrity of the project in terms of semantic, visual and aesthetic solutions.
Supernova Art Embassy acted as curators, producers, coordinators and performers of the creative component of the project. The main limiting factor was the tight deadlines: the creative part of the project was completed in 34 days.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  P R O J E C T
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U R B A N  S C U L P T I N G
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S U P E R N O V A  A R T  E M B A S S Y  x  e d  w o r k s  x  g a r a g e  f a c t o r y
A Macguffin or Mcguffin is a specific object or character used in the plot of a work of fiction, around which the plot is built and which all the characters yearn to have. The overall concept of the project is such a Macguffin, around which the whole story of a place is built. 
The project is aimed at comprehensive solutions in the field of public space improvement. Includes several key creative (creative) activities that allow you to fill a space with atmosphere and create a unique project for each location. 
The range of services implies an integrated approach from studying the identity of the place to implementing all the necessary components of the project. In such projects, all solutions are linked together by a common project concept, which allows to reflect some space and creates a semantic base.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  P R O J E C T
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S I T E - S P E C I F I C  A R T  P R O J E C T
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
The Memorandum Project in Ufa has become another milestone in the development of the project as a whole. The concept most widely covers various events from the history of the city or just urban legends. The very process of studying and immersing in the urban fabric became the inspiration for all the created works.
The festival in Ufa brought together a large number of artists from Kaliningram to Vladivostok (two very distant regions of Russia), along with eminent professionals, only novice authors got the opportunity to express themselves. Both previously worked out plots and absolutely spontaneous works were realized. The project is alive, improvisation is a reaction to what is happening around.
The purpose of the project is to enlighten and immerse the unprepared viewer into reflection, to start an internal dialogue. Through reflection, the viewer generates his personal interpretation of the content of a particular work of the artist. This is an important process, and we are trying to stimulate such processes. This gives a more complete social picture of the events taking place in the city, which are not so easy to grasp. It is through artistic practice that social triggers are touched and the intangible mental layer of the city, its energy polarity, is manifested.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  F E S T I V A L
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M U R A L  A R T  F E S T I V A L
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c u r a t o r :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v 
Currently, our priority is development of street art festival programs. Part of them was implemented during the global lockdown in 2020, under conditions of maximum restrictions. Except for preliminarily planned program, year 2020 has become a season of spontaneous, quickly organized creative projects on the run as reaction to uncertain environment. 
We develop authors’ projects from scratch considering local context. On a starting stage we research and reveal important triggers, put together the meanings and build the “tags cloud”. This cloud becomes a foundation for creativity and further teamwork. 
Improvisation is an important part of our projects; fieldwork allows to feel the atmosphere. Some (often especially important) decisions are made spontaneously during development of a project. During production, i. e. implementation of a project, such amendments are vitally necessary.
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P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  F E S T I V A L
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c u r a t o r s :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v  &  l i d i i a  a v e r i n a
P R E S E N T A T I O N  O F  P R O J E C T
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M U R A L  A R T  F E S T I V A L
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I D E O L O G I S T :  d m i t r y  k u d i n o v 
Like It. Art is the largest festival of street art in Europe (in time 2012) taking place in Russia. Concentration of the best creative resources of street art world for doing unique city objects of modern art and for development of the youth creative subcultures in the country. Branding of Kazan as a city focused on the creation and support of available art conditions.
In 2012 we accomplished our plans, it had become possible only with the absolute confidence of participants to us, we distinctly were aware of our mission and goals. Feedback from participants about the last event was the best indicator of our unprincipled working.
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W E B S I T E  O F  F E S T I V A L
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