C O L L A B O R A T I O N  W I T H  D M I T R Y  K U D I N O V
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P H O T O S  B Y  D M I T R Y  K U D I N O V  &  R U S T E M  G A I S I N
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The work is dedicated to untold stories that often get lost against the backdrop of major events, stories that are not shared and are kept deep inside, stories that will remain unspoken. The stories of generations are hidden as if behind a curtain and in the silent faces of veterans, who always recall their youth with warmth.
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Victory Day is also important because many of the simplest things had to be started anew. The experience of the war years forged the spirit of our grandmothers and grandfathers, and despite everything, they preserved the ability to love, protect, educate, guide, and pass on their accumulated wisdom to the younger generations.
Human warmth is capable of preserving the seed of something important, even if it is the smallest thing. Even amidst chaos, we find the strength to protect the little things that matter to us, without losing our humanity. A small scarlet flower breaks through the petrified soil, worn by historical events. The earth revives life time and again, and our task is to help it in this.
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